Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I am still here….

Oh yes, I am still here…that is in case you're wondering where the hell am I and well, you're missing me. Wait, have you missed me?

Kiddin' aside, I've just been very busy since last month because I've started in a new job which is entirely new to what I've been doing in the past. I'm still adjusting until now and to be honest, I still can't say that it's for me. Let's see. 

And another reason was, I went home for a short vacation in PH!  I got to spend New Year with my family and spend time with friends.  Indeed, iba talaga ang feeling pag nasa Pinas. I still look forward to the day that we won't have to leave anymore. 

Here's a few snaps of our time in Pinas:

 goofing with my Mom and Aunt as soon as we arrived at the airport

Mr. X and I with Jollibee!  I made sure that our first meal is going to be chicken joy.

With Mom and Sam

Oh yes, I got another haircut!

 with my sisters from different Moms, plus my Mom

get-together with HS friends

New Year's eve with family

with my baby, Mac

In Baguio once again! 

 with a dear friend from college, Laine

Last day in PH

I'd be posting more photos in the coming days plus some reviews of the places we went to.  I know I've been saying this for the longest time but I will try harder to blog more this year.  Honestly, I thought of shutting down this blog because I don't feel that motivated anymore. I felt like nobody's reading my blog anymore, I don't get to attend events that much and that I am so left behind already. I felt like I've reached the end of my blogging career, choz!  Then I remembered why I started this blog in the first place…I want to share my thoughts and experiences on products I'm using, I want to make kwento of anything that comes into my mind..and I want to connect with people who I share the same interests with.  So push lang! Maybe I'd stop blogging eventually, but not now.  Not yet. This blog serves as my online diary and the fact that I have met and still continue to meet friends and experience a lot of great things thru this blog, I think this is still worth spending time on. 

So yes, hopefully I get to have my blogging mojo back!

But really, I wish that you've missed me.

Please like me on Facebook ( IambrigittePage ) and follow me on Twitter (_IAmBrigitte_) and Instagram (Iambrigitte)


AskMeWhats said...

I missed you na sis! so happy you took time out to meet us! I love you! mwa :x you know I'm always here for you

Tara Cabullo said...

Miss you na naman, Shots! Love you and so happy to have spent time with you. Mwah!

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