Thursday, September 24, 2009

what have i been up to?

i know i've been MIA for quite some time now...i do hope you understand though. i'll be back to my normal blogging activity soon :)

so what's new with me?

well, i have a new job and i started just this week. i am thankful that i was able to get this job and hopefully i get settled in a few more days.

and another thing...


more pics soon...


♥ Nehs ♥ said...

oh... congrats!!!!!!!!! on your new job and....

dustbunny said...

congrats! best wishes!

Nina said...

Best wishes to you! :)

Elisa said...

Congrats on the new job! And I hope for nothing but happiness for both of you!

Unknown said...


Jamilla Camel said...

Congrats on the new job and that exciting next step in your life!!

G said...

wonderful! best wishes!

*** said...


*** said...

you know I would simply wish you both happiness and Good Health.. i'm happy for you mare!

Tara Cabullo said...

Congratulations, Jheng :) Both for work and for deciding to spend the rest of your life with the man you love the most. I admire you for doing this because not everyone can take a brave step [e.g. ME :D] like that. Congratulations again, best wishes and may the two of you have a happy life ahead :)

AskMeWhats said...

sis! I am so happy for you and Mr. X! It was nice to meet him before you guys tied the knot! take care dear!!!

jinxbea said...

congrats and best wishes!

notjustminerals said...

Wow, congratulations dearie! Have a fabulous life ahead!

Liza! said...

Wow, sis..! Conrats. I am soooo happy for you and Mr. X. :-)

Congrats on your new job too.

Best wishes.


Maui (Suushh) said...

aw! wow! congratulations!!! :D

gingerbee said...

:D :D :D Happiness and congratulations all around! :D :D :D

Anonymous said...

ate jheng! ano ba yan.nakakabitin! congrats!!!:)

文学少女 (Literature Girl) said...

Oh my gosh. <3 Wow, in any case Goodluck to you in everything! :)

Steph said...

congratulations! :)

* Jen * said...

sorry, i'm a bit late, but CONGRATULATIONS!!! =D i wish nothing but the best for the both of you.

Par said...

Wow, congrats!

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