Saturday, December 26, 2009

my pre-Xmas loots...

a few weeks before Xmas, i told myself i won't be going to the mall and do unnecessary shopping. i'd only go to the mall when i'm ready to do my Xmas gift-shopping.

and i did stay away from the mall...but online shopping and friends with uber nice items from abroad didn't.

my loots from Bangkok, courtesy of my friend Nimfa:

hmmm, so what's in the bag?

trinkets and pouches

cutesy tops


and here's my 2nd attempt on a pair of Melissa Origami:

this one's a size 6. I initially got a size 5 but it's too small for me...good thing i was able to sell it. the sizing for this one's sooo confusing. Melissa website says this pair is a size if you're a size 6, get size 5. and i did just that...but i ended up with foot sores.

this time, with a size 6, it's BIG on me.

geesh..i wish they have half-sizes. now i am thinking of putting this pair on sale again (sigh)


Shen said...

tama ba nakikita ko? Mga sleeveless?? Yey!! the white tank is real pretty! hope to see it on you soon! mwah! i miss you, jheng!!

Iambrigitte said...

hahaha shen, pambahay yun! laki ko ngayon malamang next year pa sila magkasya s akin waaaaa....i miss u too, sis!

Bernadette Villanueva said...

Ang cutesy nga ng tops, Jheng! =) And you know, I always have problems also with shoe sizes, so I can't do online shopping for shoes! huhu. And half sizes are very rare now =(

Happy New Year!

G said...

it's a major headache to shop for shoes online... i love shopping and trying on stuff ---- especially shoes!!! shopping online robs the thrill of trying on the shoes i see on the shelves before debating with myself on buying them hahahaha

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