Monday, December 1, 2008

Product Review: Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil...

in as much as i wanted to personally do a review bout one of the much loved Shu products, i just can't.

well, simply because i haven't been able to use it for a long time. i just got a sample of it (the pink one) when i got mom a bottle of the green cleansing oil.

but don't fret, my dearies. i promised you that i'd give you a review, right?
but before that, can i just say that probably the best people to really judge whether a beauty product works or not would be (drum roll)...MEN!

so without further ado, let me give you Mr. Jayvee Fernandez's review here.

and yeah, he is P's man-friend and also one of our (beauty?) blogger friends...

1 comment:

fuzkittie said...

Haha, very cool, a review by a guy~

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