Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Nivea 3 in 1 Micellar Cleansing Water (All Skin Types)

If you haven't heard of Micellar Cleansing Water, you might be living under a rock.  When it comes to removing makeup, it's the "IN" thing nowadays. It promises to suck those nasty grime, makeup and impurities out of your skin for a deeper cleanse. It's soap-free, so no dry, stretchy-feeling on the skin afterwards.

I've already tried two micellar cleansing waters, Bioderma and Happy Skin Make a Clean Sweep, and between the two I can say that I like the latter more.  Both of them can totally remove my makeup, even waterproof ones, but that of Happy Skin's has special skincare ingredients. So you get a cleanser and a skincare in one!

I've been alternating the Happy Skin cleanser and Bioderma Sensibio (which I will be reviewing soon) but our dear friends from Glambox ME gave me another option by sending me another miceller water cleanser to try out, the Nivea 3 in 1 Micellar Cleansing Water.

Nivea 3 in 1 Micellar Cleansing Water
(For All Skin Types)

Aside from Micelle molecules, it also has Dexpanthenol and Grape Seed  Oil. It deep cleanses, can be used on both eyes and face and is free or parabens and is scent-free.

My daily makeup is mostly waterproof: liner, brows, mascara. I also use primer for my eyes and face,  So yes, I need a hardcore makeup remover!

Now, let's see the cleanser in action:

I let the soaked cotton pad stay on my (closed) eye for a minute to help loosen the makeup and make it easier to remove.

My eye makeup removed, well almost!

Almost because, it wasn't really able to remove the waterproof mascara. And I had to go over   an eye twice to really remove the eyeshadow and liner.

See all that gunk!?

As for the face makeup, it was able to remove everything.  

(excuse the face, I'm taking some medications and me thinks my skin is not liking them. Sniff!)

Like it promised, there was no dry feeling after using it. It actually felt like my face has been moisturised and refreshed.  I didn't have any allergic reactions from using it too.  Well, it's from Nivea for one and the brand is known to be good for even the most sensitive skins.  My first favourite makeup remover is from Nivea (read about it here) and I actually got heartbroken when it got discontinued.  When I came here in the UAE, I got excited when I see a lot of variants of their makeup removers. They even have makeup wipes!  I promise to post about them soon.

Overall, I like this micellar water cleanser but I don't think I'd be purchasing once it runs out.  I don't think it does a really good job in removing makeup, most especially if it's waterproof.  I had to go over my eye makeup to really remove it and yet, there was still bits of mascara left. I like my makeup remover to remove everything. With this, I had to use a separate eye makeup remover, which is my ever-reliable Sephora waterproof eye makeup remover.

If you're not much of a fan of waterproof makeup, then this is already good.  Besides, it didn't say it can remove waterproof makeup on its packaging.  I was just hoping it could.

How about you, have you tried this?  Did you like it or not?  Let me know in the comments box, below. I would love to hear from you. 

I've read about Garnier Micellar Water Cleanser but I haven't seen one here.  I wanna try that next!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I should ask my FA friend to get this for me when she comes back.

Ang tagal dumating ng drugstore micellar water dito sa PH :(

I read meron na din L'Oreal and Garnier :( Ang tagaaal.


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