Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ruffa Gutierrez goes BodyTite

if there's one thing that women would wish for (for vanity's sake), it would be to have a svelte and flawless body. but with the lifestyle that most women of today have (like me!) this is as hard as winning the Lotto jackpot prize. sometimes, no matter how hard one tries to work out and diet, there would still be some fats in certain parts of the body that won't just go away. and in case they do, you'd be left with loose skin that would be twice as hard to get rid of.

for those who have had babies already, one part of the body they would be most problematic with would be their tummy. would you believe even Ruffa Gutierrez had the same concerns? After giving birth to Lorin and Venice thru normal delivery, she had problems with loose skin on her tummy. Tummy tuck is an option, but she has issues about it, not to mention having apprehensions about surgery.

For almost a year, Dra. Vicki Belo had been trying to convince Ruffa to undergo an invasive procedure for body contouring and for removing the excess skin on her tummy called Bodytite. She assured Ruffa that there wouldn't be as much downtime and that she could actually continue with her usual activities like going to work the next day! And after seeing the sexier Jinkee Pacquiao who also had Bodytite done, she finally said yes.

So what is Bodytite?
Bodytite, or known as Radio Frequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL), addresses the problem of predominantly loose skin seen in some patients after having undergone a liposuction procedure.

It is a minimally invasive procedure which uses radio frequency (RF) energy applied over the skin and into the fat layer to allow simultaneous lipolysis and skin tightening.

Dra. Belo explained that it is perfect to be used in areas which tend to be loose like the inner thighs, arms and the abdomen. This happens when the skin is damaged by multiple pregnancies and stretchmarks which hamper contraction.

After BodyTite, Ruffa now has a tighter, firmer tone. And if ever she decides to remarry, this would not be a problem in case she would want to have another baby.

who can ever tell that Ruffa already has 2 kids and is 36 years young? geesh, i wish i'd be that sexy when i reach that number.

Ruffa is not against going under the knife, most especially to people who always need to look good like the people in showbusiness. I'm not also against it. Well, if that is something one has to do to be confident and feel good, why not? Some are against cosmetic surgery, but hey, to each its own...we all deserve to look good and feel good about ourselves.

So if you'll ask me if I'm willing to go under the knife...hell, yes! Who wouldn't want to get rid of fats, cellulite and orange-peel skin?

To know more about BodyTite and other procedures you might need, visit Belomed for more information.

For now, I'll start saving for a BodyTite treatment. Or probably, include it on my list?


PB and J apparel said...

o wow thats an amazing procedure!!
I love how they are coming out with all these amazing things you can do now without being down for too long ya know. Because no one wants to be in pain for weeks. I'm def not against plastic surgery only when they do the unnecessary ya know then it starts to look bad. lol Great post

Janet said...

OMgawd! Ruffa is soooo sexy!! How I wish I could have her body too...

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