Sunday, October 2, 2011

Amber Lights Laguna linen spray...

Who loves spraying their rooms with perfumes?
I do!

I just love it when my room smells good...well, who doesn't? I usually finish up a bottle of perfume in a month or less because of this. And to finish a 4k-worth of perfume that fast is absolutely not good for my wallet and not to mention, to the air, since some perfumes have chemicals that can be harmful.

Good thing there are sprays specifically made to keep our rooms smelling good, and safe:

Amber Lights Laguna Room and Linen Spray

Phthalate and DGP free.
Available in White Tea, Day at the Spa, Citronella, Scotch Pine, Green Tea & Lemongrass and Vanilla Heaven

I have this in Vanilla and it smells kinda strong when you sniff it from the bottle. But when I sprayed it in my room, wow...I feel like I'm all set and ready for a goodnight sleep.

Those who come and visit me say that my place smells good. It's sweet but not overpowering, and the smell lasts.

Available at Amber Lights Laguna for Php150.00/250ml and Php65.00/100ml.
They also have home-made scented soya candles and reed diffusers in several variants.


monsterfriendly said...

very interesting :)

Unknown said...

I've been looking into hydrosols because of all the chemicalsin the regula kinds. But this seems interesting thannks for sharing.

Amber Lights Laguna said...

Thanks for sharing your new discovery prettiness! <3

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