Sunday, September 6, 2015

Make Up Forever Aqua Shadows in 24E and 4E

It's Sunday and for us here in this part of the world, it means BACK TO WORK!

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. Yes, Sunday isn't my favourite day of the week (and so is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, LOL!) but it doesn't mean I'm gonna just sit around and throw tantrums the whole day (though sometimes I wish I can). I gotta get my butt to work because it pays the bills, funds my upcoming you-know-what and whatnots. Besides, I should be thankful that I have a job in the first place.  A lot of people wish they have one, 'yah know!

For today lemme share with you what I use for my eye makeup on days when I don't have much time to spare.  Most especially on a Sunday when I usually don't get much sleep the night before. I wish I can just get away with curling my lashes and loading them up with coats of mascara but it makes me feel like my eyes look a lot more sleepy than usual. Parang they look so plain pa. So what I do is I try to put on at least a layer of eyeshadow. Or use something else that's quick and easy to apply.

Make Up Forever Aqua Shadows

I got these babies during the Oblogger Party at the Beauty Connection Spa some months ago.  These can be used as an eyeliner, an eyeshadow or as an eyeshadow base, if you want to intensify a powder eyeshadow of the same color family.  They are easy to use with minimum to no tugging and they require no brushes to apply. 

Make Up Forever Shadow in 24E and 4E

24E and 4E

24E is a light medium-pink in a shimmery finish. I like using this as an eyeshadow base for my powder pink eyeshadows and it does make them stay longer on my oily lids.  I sometimes use it to brighten up the inner corners of my eyes too.  Pigmentation is great but it creases a bit when worn on its own and sans a primer. 

4E is a medium-dark grey with some hint of brown and in a matte finish. I use this as a liner on my upper lash lines.  

Both shades are smudge-proof and budge-proof. Once they set (and they set REALLY FAST), it's hard to blend that's why I don't use them with another color.  I use them on it's own or like what I've said earlier, as a primer or as an eyeliner.

Now let's do the water test:

You can see on the above photos that they didn't budge at all. They are indeed waterproof and even when smudged, these babies are going nowhere. But they are definitely not oil-proof. If you have oily lids like mine, expect some creasing after 5-6hrs.

I believe these Aqua Shadows have been replaced by their Aqua Matics.  Same with these eyeshadow sticks, the Aqua Matics are also retractable. But unlike these Aqua Shadows, they come with a sharpener making the application more on-point, most especially when using them as a liner.

How about you, what do you use for your eye makeup on your lazy days?
Share on the comments box below!

Happy Sunday, everyone!

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