so for lunch, i tried to make a corned-beef omelette. just a simple one though...and i think i did a great messing it up! omelette swimming in cooking oil wahahhaha

i think it's because i had too much corned beef and i only used two eggs...or because of the pan? or maybe i was just in a hurry because i was dead-hungry.
whatever it was, it's not my fault!
(bear with me, i'm such a retard these days) omelette swimming in cooking oil wahahhaha

whatever it was, it's not my fault!
(bear with me, i'm such a retard these days)
I love omelettes as well and my favourite is cheese with mushrooms and tomatoes served with french fries... Yummm!
I cook my omelette using butter insted of cooking oil... slowly... I cheat by sprinkling the cheese on top of tomatoes and mushrooms as it tend to hold the omelette together ha ha ha!
I stick my french fries into the oven before I start preparing so they are ready at the same time.
I hope this hleps Jheng :)
try using margarine next time, sis. :) less oil. :) lol! i'm getting hungry just by looking at it.. :)
whoa, thanks for the tips girls...will try again soon and will let you know. hehehe...i love omelettes too, but i am just too lazy to add other stuffs like tomatoes, etc. but i'd love to!
looks yummy! :)
me too! speaking of fry foods.. i'll be havng spam tom.. wish me luck!! :) hope i cut it just right. lol!
You always make the most interesting and down to earth posts! Love it!
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