Monday, June 15, 2009

Reader's Request + Updates...

yep, I am still ALIVE!

sorry, for the lack of updates, my dearies. Work kept me busy (as usual, bleh) and been trying to sleep early so i've tried to keep myself from going online...but still didn't work. I've been, and still is, sleep-deprived.

we had a long weekend because of the Philippine Independence Day last week, so i went home to be with my family. Nothing beats the feeling of being home...and it sucks to be back for work later.

anyways, here's another neutral look requested for Jane...she asked for an eotd using some basic colors from MAC. For this one, i used Femme-Fi (you can also use Ricepaper) and Espresso. looks like a lot of my readers are more into neutrals...maybe because we spend much of our time in the office wearing business casuals and we're stuck with neutrals, eh? =)

i hope you like it!

ugh...i am still regretting not being able to enroll at MUFE's Advanced Bridal Makeup lessons. :( i really wanted to, but i don't think that i'd be able to make it considering the adjustment i'd have to do with my work schedule and my not being able to sleep early. the lessons would be M-F at 1-5pm so that would mean being in the office at 9am, leave at 1 for the lessons and go back to the office after and stay until 10-11pm. just thinking about it makes me tired already. :( geesh, i wish they would have a weekend schedule.


Jamilla Camel said...

You are the QUEEN of neutral looks!

Unknown said...

ive always loved your neutral looks :)

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