Tuesday, August 26, 2008

lovely gifts from my ate...

when i started blogging almost a year ago, i didn't imagine that i'd be able to meet people and gain friends. i didn't even expect that people would read my blog! but when i was finally able to read some comments from readers, i realized that i am not actually talking to myself when i write my posts. LOL

i've met some fellow beauty bloggers in person already, and i am still looking forward to meeting more (meet up soon, darlings?). but i am proud and of course, happy to have established friendship with some of those i haven't even met.

one of them is my Ate Gracie, whom i also call Posh and Nikki calls Samantha (viva, SATC girls...LOL!) We have a common friend, Nimfa, but i never imagined that i'll get to talk to her one day. She sent me a message thru friendster asking about makeup...and from then on, we never stopped talking about it. But the thing is, we also talk about our careers, love and everything about life. We've shared secrets, laughed about our mishaps and she'd been there and still is, when i am going thru a hard phase in my so-called life. i sooo love her accent, and her loots never fail to leave me in awe (omg, you have to see her shoes, clothes and makeup!)

the sweetest thing about my ate is sometimes when she sees people, she'd be reminded of me. she never ceases to encourage me to pursue my dreams, and to believe in myself. she laughs at my innocence about some things but never makes me feel stupid (hhhee, remember my Barry M moment?). it's like having an Ate (older sister) since i am the eldest in the family. I am looking forward to meeting her soon...

okay...enough blabbing, no? LOL

let's move on to the gifts my ate sent me a few weeks back. i won't even dare mention the funny story behind the names she put on the recipient (but ate, my mom really got confused! hahaha), it's my fault anyway. I haven't met her, but she knows what i would love to get in the first place:

weee....break down of my gifts:

makeup brushes
i love the color contrast of the handle and the brush hairs. laveeet!

Barry M Dazzle Dusts

Ate told me that she gets reminded of me when she sees the eye makeup of the models in this site. So ate, are you trying to remind me now of my Barry M. moment?

Benefit Lemon Aid

I've been wanting to get one of this for quite a long time. And now, i have one! yipeee!

my very own shirt from VWW!

i am so happy and excited with my ate's gifts.

again, thank you very much ATE GRACIE for these lovely gifts. I'll post reviews and pics soon! ;)


Gracie said...

Oh sis, I'm soooo touched but honestly, you didn't have to do it ;)

I'm just so glad that we've met here on the net and I look forward to meeting you in person soon. You're one of the sweetest people I've ever meet and I'll always treasure our friendship :)

I just can imagine the confusion your mom had when she got the package, silly me! Never mind, now I know what to do next time ha ha ha! Take care sis :)

AskMeWhats said...

Gracie "samantha" is definitely a sweet sweet person! you can sense that through her blogging. And you know what sis Jheng? the reason why people treat you good, is because you are so good to them too :) Enjoy!! :D

Anonymous said...

aww that's so sweet of Grace! i just figured out how come i am not receiving any from whomever in the blogosphere?... haha kidding! it's just nice to know people are connecting thru our makeup passions and writing about it! :)

Tracy Roa said...

Gracie is such a sweetheart. You got some lovely gifts!

Alice @Ogni cosa bella รจ viola said...

Who don't love meet new friends and beautiful gifts?
You got a great friend and if you meet her in the future will be great.

I'm so interested in your review of Benefit Lemonaid.


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